An Idea for Handling All of That Candy!


Happy Halloween! We hope you have a lovely time with your family and friends today. Here is a tip for all of that candy you’ll soon be dealing with – this is what has worked for our family for the last several years. After trick-or-treating, my kids go through their individual stash and select 15 pieces of the candy they want the most. These candies go into a plastic bag with each kid’s name on it, and no one else in the house can touch what is in those bags. The remaining candy is put into a large “community bowl”, and is brought out when we have friends and family over for game nights or watching football. I like this method, because my kids get to enjoy a reasonable amount of their very favorite types of candy, rather than just plowing through their whole buckets because it is there. I am amazed that, year after year, my kids usually have a piece of candy or two left in their bags at Christmas! Do you have a system for dealing with all of the candy? We’d love to hear about it!

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