The Twelve Days of Christmas


Did you know that the Twelve Days of Christmas begin on December 25th and end on January 6th with Epiphany, which marks the arrival of the Magi? Full confession – I did not know this until a few years ago! (I knew that Epiphany was the arrival of the Magi, I did not know about the twelve days of Christmas part)

Today, I’ll be reading this lovely copy of the Twelve Days of Christmas to my crew, as we talk about these dates and what they mean. Our calendar is pretty much extra-curricular free until Jan 6, so I am going to try my best to be intentional each day to do something simple but lovely with my family. Read a Christmas book we haven’t gotten to yet, bake something, do a project, take a walk, or play a game – anything to soak up more peaceful time together before the business of life creeps in once again.

What do you usually do in this space of time between Christmas and when school starts back up? Aside from celebrating our wedding anniversary, my family typically spends the time playing board games, both old and new, and polishing off the last of the Christmas goodies! I hope you are feeling rested, or at least on the road towards rested, and that you have some more opportunities to enjoy your family without the pressure of school for a little while longer!

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