Blocks Rock!

1023191116-014506551963943224804.jpegThis is a really cool STEM skill activity that will engage multiple ages – the bonus is that it can be played alone or with a friend/sibling! This set comes with 24 blocks, 2 decks of challenge cards (easy and hard), a bell, and a carrying case to store it all. Simply recreate the structure pictured on the challenge card using your blocks, and triumphantly ring the bell when you are finished! Some of the structures are meant to be built lying down, while others are meant to be built up (certain cards are labeled ‘Build Up!’).  If you are playing with another person, then whoever correctly builds the structure first wins that card. When the deck is gone, whoever has the most cards wins! If you are in the mood for a quicker game, you can just play to the first 5 or 10 cards.


Another cool feature of Blocks Rock! is the free app that offers a built in timer as well as more interesting challenges – including animals! Just download the app to your phone or tablet and access a whole new set of challenges. Blocks Rock! retails on amazon for $59.99, but I was able to grab it during a flash sale for $39.99. (Hint: keep stuff in an amazon wish list, and when it goes on sale, you’ll get a handy alert!)


*Note: I was not compensated for this review, I am sharing because this is something we love and use in our homeschool, and I thought others might like it too!

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